
Layout Modes

Resource list can be viewed in different Layout Modes, see Styleguide.


Madek implements a list of Filters, notably by (configured) [MetaData][].
All possible cases are documented as examples in JSON format.


For a scope (listing) of MediaEntries, Collections, FilterSets or MediaResources "DynamicFilters" Presenter outputs a list of "possible" Filters for each kind of Filter.

Dynamic because:

  • always for a specific resource type (e.g. only MediaEntries have MediaFiles to filter for)
  • considers the current scope (already including Permissions checks), might even be pre-filtered by a specific view like Person#show or FilterSet#show)
  • builds 'meta_data' sections for the currently configured [Vocabularies][]/[MetaKeys][]

For Permissions:

  • responsible_user
  • get_meta_data_and_previews Permissions for [Users][] (multiple), [Groups][] (multiple), and Public (true/false).

For MetaData, they are MetaKeys that are used on MetaData in scope, grouped by Vocabularies. MetaKeys of type Keyword also contain their associated terms by usage (in scope).

Simplified example:

  media_files:                # type of Filter
    - uuid: media_files       # name of this section (only for UI)
        - uuid: content_type  # a key for this filter
            - uuid: image     # a value for this filter
        - uuid: extension
            - uuid: jpg
    - type: Vocabulary
      uuid: 'madek_core' # 1 vocabulary = 1 section
        - type: MetaKey:
          uuid: 'madek_core:keywords'
            - type: Keyword
              label: 'oil'
              count: 7        # usage counts (where implemented)


The SideFilter Decorator (using the UI Component of the same name) builds a tree-like view from the DynamicFilters Presenter ("accordion nav"). Initially every section tree is "closed", because "unfolding" every possible filter at once would take a very long time (SQL query).


When the user selection, it is opened.
Contents are fetched async if needed. Same applies to any children (like Keywords)

Selecting a leaf of the tree adds this value as a filter and reloads the resource list.

If at least one value is selected for a key, a 'delete' icon next to the key can be selected to remove all children.

If a filter key is marked multi: true, more than one value can be added at the same time. It is also possible to select the key itself to filter for "any value" (checkbox on right).

If a Polybox instance is marked (saveable: true), it can be saved as a FilterSet. This functionality is only implemented for non-prefiltered lists (it works on 'MediaEntry#index', not on 'Person#show').

Usage Examples

  • 'MediaEntry-', 'Collection-' and 'FilterSet-#index' Views all show a title and a Polybox for their index.

  • 'Person#Show' shows basic information about the Person, and a Polybox with a pre-filtered listing (indepent of any filter that might be applied by the user), showing only related Resources.