
Internal spec for filtering collections in Madek.

Each of the 3 types of media resources, namely MediaEntry, Collection and FilterSet implements a class method filter_by. This method defines its own SQL generation logic and behaves as any other ActiveRecord scope method, and thus it's also chainable.

Full usage example

  "search": "something",
  "meta_data": [
    { "key": "madek_core:authors",
      "value": "6e4da213-2f4d-41a6-9eb0-c961d74f717e" },
    { "key": "media_content:type",
      "match": "architektur" },
    { "key": "any",
      "match": "india",
      "type": "MetaDatum::Text" },
    { "key": "any",
      "match": "china" },
    { "key": "madek_core:keywords" },
    { "not_key": "media_object:patron" }
  "media_files": [
    { "key": "content_type", "value": "image/jpeg" },
    { "key": "extension", "value": "jpg" }
  "permissions": [
    { "key": "public",
      "value": true },
    { "key": "responsible_user",
      "value": "8631ffff-f601-451e-bce7-f3696d18addf" },
    { "key": "entrusted_to_user",
      "value": "f3d3174c-11b2-43e3-80dc-5925665c5a37" },
    { "key": "entrusted_to_group",
      "value": "30a6baf1-010f-444a-87f0-dc78be983014" }

Filter attributes/keys

There are different "types" of attributes resources can be filtered by.
All of these are combined together using logical AND.

  • meta_data
  • media_files
  • permissions
  • search

meta_data filter

  "meta_data": [
    { "key": "madek_core:authors",
      "value": "6e4da213-2f4d-41a6-9eb0-c961d74f717e" },
    { "key": "media_content:type",
      "match": "architektur" },
    { "key": "any",
      "match": "india",
      "type": "MetaDatum::Text" },
    { "key": "any",
      "match": "china" },
    { "key": "madek_core:keywords" },
    { "not_key": "media_object:patron" }

There are the following usage options:

  1. for a specific key use an uuid as the value in case of a concrete related resource
  2. for a specific key use an arbitrary string via match to match in the respective DB column, depending on the type of the related resource, e.g. people.searchable or keywords.term, etc.
  3. use any as key with an arbitrary string via match to trigger a text-based match for any meta datum of a specific type
  4. use any as key with an arbitrary string via match to trigger a text-based match across all meta data
  5. use key without value or match to filter media resources, which have some meta datum for a specific meta_key_id
  6. use not_key without value or match to exclude media resources, which don't have any meta datum for a specific meta_key_id

All the filter options inside meta_data are combined using the logical AND.

Only the meta_data is searched, where the respective meta_keys belong to public vocabularies, which are visible by the logged in user.

String matching via match is case-insensitive.

media_files filter

  "media_files": [
    { "key": "content_type", "value": "image/jpeg" },
    { "key": "extension", "value": "any" }

There are 2 usage options:

  1. use an arbitrary string via value for a specific media_file attribute key. The value is matched exactly. The media file attributes basically correspond to the columns of the media_files table in DB.
  2. use any as value of value to match anything inside a column.

All the filter options inside media_files are combined using the logical AND.

permissions filter

  "permissions": [
    { "key": "public",
      "value": true },
    { "key": "responsible_user",
      "value": "8631ffff-f601-451e-bce7-f3696d18addf" },
    { "key": "entrusted_to_user",
      "value": "f3d3174c-11b2-43e3-80dc-5925665c5a37" },
    { "key": "entrusted_to_group",
      "value": "30a6baf1-010f-444a-87f0-dc78be983014" }

There are 4 usage options:

  1. use an uuid as value for key = responsible_user
  2. use an uuid as value for key = entrusted_to_user
  3. use an uuid as value for key = entrusted_to_group
  4. use true/false as value for key = public

All the filter options inside permissions are combined using the logical AND.

search filter

  "search": "THE_SEARCH_STRING"

The 'search' filter allows a single string which allow a case-insensitive search over all MetaData.

It is internally handled like a meta_data filter that matches on any key, so the above example is equivalent to this:

  "meta_data": [{ "key": "any", "match": "THE_SEARCH_STRING" }]


Building on the Filters mentioned above, Madek can also generate a list of "possible Filters" including counts. This is used to provide a familiar "filter-browsing" workflow for working with lists.


For a scope (listing) of MediaEntries, Collections, FilterSets or MediaResources "DynamicFilters" Presenter outputs a list of "possible" Filters for each kind of Filter.

Dynamic because:

  • always for a specific resource type (e.g. only MediaEntries have MediaFiles to filter for)
  • considers the current scope (already including Permissions checks), might even be pre-filtered by a specific view like Person#show or FilterSet#show)
  • builds 'meta_data' sections for the currently configured [Vocabularies][]/[MetaKeys][]

For Permissions:

  • responsible_user
  • get_meta_data_and_previews Permissions for [Users][] (multiple), [Groups][] (multiple), and Public (true/false).

For MetaData, they are MetaKeys that are used on MetaData in scope, grouped by Vocabularies. MetaKeys of type Keyword also contain their associated terms by usage (in scope).

Simplified example:

  media_files:                # type of Filter
    - uuid: media_files       # name of this section (only for UI)
        - uuid: content_type  # a key for this filter
            - uuid: image     # a value for this filter
        - uuid: extension
            - uuid: jpg
    - type: Vocabulary
      uuid: 'madek_core' # 1 vocabulary = 1 section
        - type: MetaKey:
          uuid: 'madek_core:keywords'
            - type: Keyword
              label: 'oil'
              count: 7        # usage counts (where implemented)


The SideFilter Decorator (using the UI Component of the same name) builds a tree-like view from the DynamicFilters Presenter ("accordion nav"). Initially every section tree is "closed", because "unfolding" every possible filter at once would take a very long time (SQL query).


When the user selection, it is opened.
Contents are fetched async if needed. Same applies to any children (like Keywords)

Selecting a leaf of the tree adds this value as a filter and reloads the resource list.

If at least one value is selected for a key, a 'delete' icon next to the key can be selected to remove all children.

If a filter key is marked multi: true, more than one value can be added at the same time. It is also possible to select the key itself to filter for "any value" (checkbox on right).

If a Polybox instance is marked (saveable: true), it can be saved as a FilterSet. This functionality is only implemented for non-prefiltered lists (it works on 'MediaEntry#index', not on 'Person#show').

Usage Examples

  • 'MediaEntry-', 'Collection-' and 'FilterSet-#index' Views all show a title and a Polybox for their index.

  • 'Person#Show' shows basic information about the Person, and a Polybox with a pre-filtered listing (indepent of any filter that might be applied by the user), showing only related Resources.